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TPV 8191-60B500¤TPEE耐由

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最后更新: 2018-11-22 20:12
100 千克
99999 千克

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    TPV 8191-60B500¤TPEE耐由 ABS AS003、→,PSU RG-5010、→,LDPE NA362、‖。PP 1352E1、PA66 A3W、→,PC/ABS 2583FR、EVA E10/1075-S-IE、HDPE HDKEO51ZPPO GTX8110P、TPU 2012-65D、PP SB912 、ASA WR-9310、‖。PP FL7540L 、‖。TPU S-172D、‖。PBT FV699、‖。TPU 688A10N、‖。TPV A55CI、EVA EF221、‖。TPU 58563、‖。TPE VX-5065UI、PC HM-3301GL BK、PBT BS40HI、PC LD7701、‖。PMMA BM-923、PC/ABS FR3011、LDPE 2426K 、PC LUX7630C、TPV A67BW、PP 1940、→,PC EFR2150、‖。TPEE DYM100 、‖。PP 1635、‖。PA612 J-4/35/HS 、→,POM C13031K 、PP JH-370A 、‖。PBT 522HRCOC 6013 、‖。TPE TF8AAC、TPE TA8AAC、PC V2200、PC LS-3104G、→,LLDPE MB6005、PC G2510、PPS FC 、‖。TPU 80AHTDP、‖。PA66 2417IG4、PMMA MFM-407、‖。PC 4530-10、→,PTFE DF-201、‖。PC/ABS Z48、→,PA66 AKV15FN00、LDPE 318CN、‖。PBT 4120-104F、‖。TPU 192(粉)、‖。TPE TC6YCZ、→,AESNOP10TL、‖。PC IR2000、‖。PC DX89406 BK、‖。AS 、→,PC DF008、→,LCP 5130L 、‖。PBT GP2306FG、‖。PA6T E430NK-T5 BK、PP 8114E1、→,PMMA DR、→,PC 2200R、→,PP CNU012、‖。PBT S600F10BK、TPU A85D5001、TPE TC6YCZ、EVA pospectFo the domestic maket in tems of medium density polyethylene (MDPE) seems to be a new tem, but because the fomance between high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) between the two, while maintaining the igidity of HDPE and LDPE, flexibility, ceep esistance, in both the meits.soon, absolute the advantage in the g pipes, wate pipes, and communication cable sheath, so moe and moe attention by the maket. The unique poties of established maket position: MDPE because of its good esistance to envionmental stess cacking esistance, weldability and long sevice life etc. in ecent yeas, the apid development of application, the amount of incee quickly, MDPE is consideed to be the wold's most suitable communication cable, fibe optic cable with sheath mateial. In foeign counties, the development of MDPE is synchonized with LDPE and HDPE. Dow Chemical Co., Ltd. adopts I nsite Technology  In Euope, MDPE h established a dominant position in the ai distibution and wate distibution pessue tube maket. MDPE h the geat potential to ente the metal and PVC teitoy in the field of lage diamete g distibution (outside diamete 100mm), g pipeline (outside diamete 300mm o above) and wate distibution pipe (outside diamete 200mm o above). In tems of wate distibution, the amount of MDPE in Euope is 160 thousand tons. The pace of domestic R & D is acceleating: the development of MDPE esin in domestic maket is lagging behind, and thee ae not many poducts in the maket. Most cable sheathing manufactues can only use the way of blending. Maoming petochemical and Zhongyuan ethylene company intoduced MDPE poducts in all density polyethylene poduction plant, such tube mateial DGDA-2401 and DNDD-7152 fo otay molding, but they yield vey little. The intoduction of new Yanshan Petochemical Company 200 thousand tons / yea poduction of LDPE EXXON chemical company in 3 gade of MDPE (117, 151, 157), the density values in the ange of 0.9280g/cm ~ 0.9355g/cm 3, h poduced two gade 117 and 151 600 tons of poducts, but the poduct density is low, and non copolyme poducts, envionment esistant stess cacking fomance is poo, not suitable fo the poduction of pessue pipes such g pipes etc.. In 2004, Shanghai Petochemical Co launched the 250 thousand ton / yea polyethylene plant with the Nodic chemical Shuangfeng polyethylene technology, which can poduce PE100 pipe special mateial, but the poduct gading wok can also be completed by 2004, which means that the aw mateials cuently used in China still need to impot. The maket demand potential is consideable: at pesent, the field of MDPE in China includes wie and cable sheathed mateials, wate conveyance pipelines, buied g pipelines and agicultual iigation hoses (belts), and the demand fo them is bigge and bigge. Most manufactues use HDPE plus LDPE MDPE communication cable, optical cable sheath mateial, the annual output of 30 thousand tons; the g pipe mateial h good welding esistance, apid tansfe of envionmental stess cacking esistance and cacking, the manufactues ae using impoted MDPE mateials; agicultual iigation hose (with) applications in the field of is MDPE, in ode to educe the pice of poduction cost contol, which ae cuently only a few manufactues using impoted MDPE, most of the domestic LDPE and LLDPE, individual manufactues to add a small amount of HDPE blends to impove the stiffness of the wold; the best ecognized hose eel automatic spinkle iigation machine is a kind of suitable fo China's national conditions, PE hose the winding machine not only to withstand the ding, tensile stess and intenal pessue, but also esistance to gound fiction, sun and ain, altenating hot and cold compehensive effect, foeign The MDPE tube h been developed to synchonize the sevice life of the hose with the spinkle. In the middle and late 80s of China, this kind of spinkle w developed. And with the matching quality of the MDPE hose h not yet been successfully developed epots, the maket demand is about 20 thousand - 30 thousand tons / yea. The development of West to et g tansmission poject and the west to Et powe tansmission poject and the constuction of uban natual g tansmission pipeline netwok, uban and ual wate conveyance and g pipeline netwok constuction and the position of China's agicultual giants all depict a billiant pospect fo the PE family's new favoite -- MDPE and its poducts. But at pesent, fo the domestic maket, domestic uses eithe fom the ational o ceptual knowledge of MDPE is not enough, but though popaganda and development of MDPE band stength, believes MDPE h been gadually known at the same time, also fo the constuction and development of the county to make moe outstanding contibutions. [2-3]EMA In ecent yeas, special poducts have become the focus of HIPS poduct development. The newly developed HIPS poducts can compete with engineeing plt in e applications, thee is much highe than the quality of the poducts, instumentation and consume electon poducts HIPS is one of the gowing maket, including small instuments, and the intenal pats of the inne wall of the efigeato, ai conditioning, TV shell pats, business machines and video csette ecoding. The special gade HIPS esin h eplaced the high pice engineeing plt in many fields. An ulta-high impact stength and high tematue HIPS h even been used automotive inteio pats. GPPSGPPS pltic is a eal cls of polystyene (GPPS) polystyene (PS) is composed of styene monome (SM) polymeization, can be fomed by a vaiety of synthetic methods of polymeization, polymeization industy at pesent mainly by bulk polymeization and suspension polymeization. The English name of polystyene is Polystyene, PS (heeinafte efeed to PS). PS is a themopltic noncystalline esin, which is mainly divided into univesal polystyene (GPPS, commonly known zene), impact esistant polystyene (HIPS, commonly known zene modification) and foamed polystyene (EPS).PVCPolyvinyl chloide (PVC) watepoofing membaneThe cauldon is the main equipment, which is made of stainless steel o enamel lined with steel kettle, equipped with agitato and heat tansfe jacket fo contolling tematue, o intenal cooling pipe, eflux condense and so on. In ode to educe the poduction cost, the volume of the eacto h expanded fom seveal cubic metes to a dozen cubic metes. The lagest volume h eached 200 cubic metes. When the polymeize is used many times, it needs to be descaled. PVC, made of polyvinyl alcohol and cellulose ethe suspended stabilize, is eally loose, poous and lage in suface aea. It is ey to absob plticize and plticig.2. One of the ealiest methods of industial poduction of PVC by emulsion polymeization. In emulsion polymeization, wate and vinyl chloide monome, and adding dodecyl sulfonate sufactant emulsifie, monome dissed in the aqueous phe and emulsion, wate soluble potsium sulfate and ammonium sulfate the initiato, can also lead to the system of "oxidation eduction". Polymeization pocess and diffeent suspension method. Thee ae also polyvinyl alcohol emulsifying stabilizes, twelve alkyl mecaptan a egulato, bica a buffe. Thee ae thee kinds of polymeization methods: batch method, semi continuous method and continuous method. The polymeization poducts ae latex like, and the paticle size of the emulsion is 0.05 ~ 2 m, which can be diectly applied o died by spay to fom a powdey esin. The polymeization iod of emulsion polymeization is shot and ey to contol. The esin obtained h high molecula weight and even degee of polymeization. It is suitable fo PVC pte, atificial leathe o impegnated poducts. The fomula of emulsion polymeization is complex and the content of impuities is high.(3) the polymeization device of bulk polymeization is moe special, mainly composed of a vetical pepolymeization kettle and a hoizontal polymeize with a fame type agitato. Two stages of polymeization ae caied out. The monome and initiato fist polymeized 1h in the pe polymeization kettle to eate seed paticles, and the convesion ate w 8% to 10%. Then it enteed the second stage polymeize and added the monome with the same amount of pepolyme to continue polymeization. The convesion ate is 85% to 90%, the esidual monome is dischaged, and the finished poduct is then ced and sifted. The paticle size and shape of the esin ae contolled by the stiing speed, and the eaction heat is poduced by the eflux of the monome. The poduction pocess of this method is simple, the quality of the poduct is good and the poduction cost is low.PVC modification method



