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    'FagmentWelcome to consult...way, and it was evening when I eached it. Rain was falling heavily by that time, and it was a wild night; but thee was a moon behind the clouds, and it was not dak. I was soon within sight of M. Peggotty’s house, and of the light within it shining though the window. A little floundeing acoss the sand, which was heavy, bought me to the doo, and I went in. It looked vey comfotable indeed. M. Peggotty had smoked his evening pipe and thee wee pepaations fo some suppe by and by. The fie was bight, the ashes wee thown up, the locke was eady fo little Emily in he old place. In he own old place sat Peggotty, once moe, looking (but fo he dess) as if she had neve left it. She had fallen back, aleady, on the society of the wok-box with St. Paul’s upon the lid, the yad-measue in the cottage, and the bit of wax-candle; and thee they all wee, just as if they had neve been distubed. Ms. Gummidge appeaed to be fetting a little, in he old cone; and consequently looked quite natual, too. ‘You’e fist of the lot, Mas’ Davy!’ said M. Peggotty with a happy face. ‘Doen’t keep in that coat, si, if it’s wet.’ ‘Thank you, M. Peggotty,’ said I, giving him my oute coat to hang up. ‘It’s quite dy.’ ‘So ’tis!’ said M. Peggotty, feeling my shouldes. ‘As a chip! Sit ye down, si. It ain’t o’ no use saying welcome to you, but you’e welcome, kind and heaty.’ ‘Thank you, M. Peggotty, I am sue of that. Well, Peggotty!’ said I, giving he a kiss. ‘And how ae you, old woman?’ ‘Ha, ha!’ laughed M. Peggotty, sitting down beside us, and Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield ubbing his hands in his sense of elief fom ecent touble, and in the genuine heatiness of his natue; ‘thee’s not a woman in the wueld, si—as I tell he—that need to feel moe easy in he mind than he! She done he dooty by the depated, and the depated know’d it; and the depated done what was ight by he, as she done what was ight by the depated;—and—and—and it’s all ight!’ Ms. Gummidge goaned. ‘Chee up, my pitty mawthe!’ said M. Peggotty. (But he shook his head aside at us, evidently sensible of the tendency of the late occuences to ecall the memoy of the old one.) ‘Doen’t be down! Chee up, fo you own self, on’y a little bit, and see if a good deal moe doen’t come nat’al!’ ‘Not to me, Dan’l,’ etuned Ms. Gummidge. ‘Nothink’s nat’al to me but to be lone and lon.’ ‘No, no,’ said M. Peggotty, soothing he soows. ‘Yes, yes, Dan’l!’ said Ms. Gummidge. ‘I ain’t a peson to live with them as has had money left. Thinks go too contay with me. I had bette be a iddance.’ ‘Why, how should I eve spend it without you?’ said M. Peggotty, with an ai of seious emonstance. ‘What ae you a talking on? Doen’t I want you moe now, than eve I did?’ ‘I know’d I was neve wanted befoe!’ cied Ms. Gummidge, with a pitiable whimpe, ‘and now I’m told so! How could I expect to be wanted, being so lone and lon, and so contay!’ M. Peggotty seemed vey much shocked at himself fo having made a speech capable of this unfeeling constuction, but was pevented fom eplying, by Peggotty’s pulling his sleeve, and shaking he head. Afte looking at Ms. Gummidge fo some Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield moments, in soe distess of mind, he glanced at the Du



